
*Gintama* (銀魂) is a unique mix of comedy, action, and sci-fi set in an alternate Edo period where aliens, known as Amanto (天人), have taken over Japan. The story follows Gintoki Sakata (坂田銀時), a samurai with a lazy yet rebellious spirit, who takes on odd jobs with his friends to make ends meet. Known for its brilliant parody of pop culture, manga, and Japanese history, *Gintama* stands out with its unpredictable humor and heartfelt moments.

Since its manga debut in 2003 and anime launch in 2006, *Gintama* has developed a loyal fanbase, with several anime seasons and three feature films. The final movie, *Gintama: The Final*, released in 2021, topped Japan’s box office, marking a memorable conclusion for fans. This blend of genres and self-aware humor has cemented *Gintama* as a standout in anime and manga.